Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Made To Win

Your Life is like a tree, it grows up and roots down. God made you to be fruitful and multiply. You were designed to grow and produce great things in life. Never let anyone make you think you don't have what it takes to produce greatness. Let your roots stabilize you and plant your feet on solid ground, for it is God who is able to uphold you!

Fruit is the product of purpose and purpose comes from the core of the tree. The tree was genetically engineered by God to produce fruit. It was made to survive and thrive. to live from the resources that was made for it. Your life is the same. you were made to thrive in life and win.

God did not make you to fail, he made you to win. Failure is a part of your process of winning, but you are not made to fail. Failure is not suppose the goal, or the end. failure is the means to the end of success. As you strive to win you must always keep in mind that you have all the power and capacity to win. There is no lack on your part concerning the ability to win.

If you lose, it is because you choose to lose. Your life is made up of choices that effect your outcome. You can have a successful foundation and all the resources you need to be successful, but if you make wrong decisions, you will ultimately fail. You fail, not because you lack something, or because God failed you or life and people failed you.

You fail because you made the decision to fail, whether you did so consciously or unconsciously. this is not to say that all your failures is a decision on your part. But the failures that are in your control are the ones you are responsible for. The failures that you made decisions for are your responsibility. When you choose to give up, you made a failure decision. When you choose not to try again, you choose to fail. giving up is a failure decision.

Just as you can make a decision to fail, you can decide to win in life. Don't sit back and play a script that someone gave you to live out. Don't let your life just play like a movie and you are the spectator. Take control of your life and you make the decisions. You must make up your mind that you are going to live your purpose and do what's in your heart and live according to your purpose. 

You are the driver in your life. So steer your life where you want to go. God will only give you your hearts desire when you make up your mind what you want and where you want to go. If you want more in life, pursue more. If you want to get up, strengthen yourself and get up. Decide to win and refuse to go down. You are a winner and I know you can do it!

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